Spring cleaning tips

As we wave goodbye to winter we can finally get started on the all-important spring cleaning season. While we all enjoy the results of a good clean out, getting those results can be easier said than done. Whether it’s decluttering your home or tackling tough stains, it’s safe to say not all of us are looking forward to the mammoth spring clean.

To help you shake off the dust and get ready for sunnier days we’ve compiled our favourite spring cleaning hacks. Conveniently split into the main sections of your home, this guide should help make cleaning a little bit less of a chore. It’s time to take out the storage boxes and clean your way to spring.


Get rid of those streaky windows and spring clean them on a cloudy day


Aside from regular vacuuming, you’ll be pleased to know that you don’t have to worry about your carpets or rugs too often. High traffic areas like your living room will need deep cleaning a few times a year, no more than four, while lower traffic areas should be fine with once or twice a year. You can invest in a carpet cleaner or wet and dry vacuum cleaner, or simply bring in the professionals. After deep cleaning your carpet, remember to keep some decent carpet cleaning solution around and tackle accidental spills as soon as possible.

The same rules apply for wooden floors, which only need wet cleaning once every month, with spot cleaning for spills as needed. Make sure you use the appropriate cleaning solution for your wooden floor, and use furniture protectors to avoid scratches.


When it comes to spring cleaning your windows, pick a cloudy or overcast day. The sun can dry the cleaner before you get a chance to wipe, leaving unappealing streaks. It’s also a good idea to alternate the direction you wipe from inside to outside. Wiping vertically on the inside and horizontal on the out will make it easier to spot and locate streaks.

Living Room

Make sure to get into all the hard to reach places of your sofa when spring cleaning


Remove seat cushions and take your vacuum cleaner nozzle to the crevices of your sofa. You might be surprised to see how much dust, crumbs and general grime gets trapped under those seat cushions. Once you’re finished, check the cleaning instructions on your seat cushion covers. Wash or dry clean and then replace. It’s a good idea to do the same with any decorative cushions, or simply beat them outside to ensure they’re dust free.


Curtains often go unnoticed even during spring clean season. Take a duster or lint roller to collect up dust or any stray hairs, and check for any stains. Use an appropriate cleaner or just a warm soapy cloth to tackle small stains, and enjoy your new fresh looking curtains.


Remember to clean your cupboards and fridge inside and out when spring cleaning

Cupboards and fridge

While most of us remember to clean the outside of cabinets, it can be a while before we remember to clean the inside as well. When it comes to spring cleaning, take the time to do inside and outside, including your fridge. Throw out any unwanted food or odd items in drawers that you probably don’t need. Once you’ve decluttered, tackle the cleaning with your usual warm soapy cloth and clear out those crumbs and leaky food stains.

Clean your cleaners

Your dishwasher may do a great job of cleaning your dishes, but it needs a good clean as well. If you don’t look after your dishwasher, it can’t look after your dishes. Remove any stray bits of food or other gunk from the bottom, and rinse the filter under hot water to unclog it. Next, use a specialist dishwasher cleaner and run a cycle. This is a must when it comes to spring cleaning season, but continue this about once a month.

While you’re at it, you should also take a look at your broom and vacuum cleaner. Rinse your broom head in a bucket of warm soapy water to get rid of excess dust and grime, and clear out your vacuum cleaner and nozzles to keep it free of potentially damaging debris.


Spring clean your bathroom tiles with baking soda and water and return them to their former glory


Water stained tiles and discoloured grout can be a real eyesore. Give your bathroom a thorough spring clean and return your tiles back to their former glory. Use a decent bathroom cleaner with a neutral pH, or even make your own. Combining baking soda with a bucket of water makes a great homemade cleaner. Apply with a sponge to both the tile surface and the grout, and put in some elbow grease.


No one likes a clogged drain, so tackle yours with a good drain cleaner. A decent drain cleaner and a barbed drain cleaning tool should be enough, although there are plenty of other methods including vinegar and baking soda. Afterwards, give the area around the drain a good scrub to get rid of any limescale and watermarks.


You may wash your bedding, but when you're spring cleaning don't forget about your mattress


While you may wash your bedding regularly, you may not do the same with your mattress. Give your bed a thorough spring clean and tackle your mattress with the vacuum cleaner while your bedding is in the wash. Use the vacuum cleaner nozzle to get into crevices and hard to reach places. You can also use some upholstery cleaner to wash out any stains. Once your mattress is dry, use a sanitising spray for an extra clean finish.

Wardrobe and Drawers

Clear out your clothes and declutter by throwing out any unwanted items. If you haven’t worn it in the past year, chances are it can go. Once you finally have some closet space, it’s time to neaten things up. Use drawer separators to keep cluttered drawers tidy, and storage boxes or bags to put away unseasonal winter items. Before replacing clothes and accessories, give your drawers a good wipe on the inside with a soapy cloth and allow to dry.

You can get a more comprehensive guide to spring cleaning here.

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