Healthy Recipes for the New Year 2017

Are you having trouble finding healthy recipes that are quick, easy and tasty enough for the whole family?

As we approach the end of January you may be starting to feel the pressure of your New Year’s Resolutions. As the initial motivation begins to fade, each day may seem to be getting harder. For those of us that made it past the first week, now might seem like quitting time. While all New Year’s Resolutions are hard, sticking to a new healthy eating routine can easily be one of the first commitments to fall.

Delicious Healthy Recipes

If you’re already running out of healthy food ideas or struggling to find healthy meals you can really enjoy, take a look at some of our own favourite healthy eating recipes. We’ve found some tasty and unique meals, all of which are quick and easy to make. Whether you simply can’t find the time to keep healthy or struggle to find something to suit your tastes, these healthy ideas will keep you on track to the end of January and beyond.

All our ideas have been conveniently divided into breakfast, lunch, dinner and salads and sides, so you can enjoy healthy eating throughout the day.

Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Healthyrecipes and healthy breakfast ideas
Image: High Protein Oatmeal Recipe by Fannetastic Food

High protein oatmeal recipe

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but the thought of having to make it can be enough to stop you getting out of bed. This high protein oatmeal recipe is perfect for spending less time prepping and more time getting on with your day with a full stomach. Eggs are key to lending this healthy breakfast its high protein, keeping you energised for the whole day.

You can also alter this recipe by adding your favourite fruits and nuts to mix it up each day. Even a bit of honey is a nutritious addition and makes healthy eating just a little bit sweeter. Plus, if you’re really in a rush, you can also use this similar microwave recipe. Simply add in the egg before putting in the microwave.

Skinny fried egg and avocado toast

Avocado is the latest celebrity health food and can be found all over Instagram and foodie blogs. With 20 different vitamins and minerals and heaps of healthy fats, there are endless benefits to introducing avocado into your diet. We couldn’t help but include avocado in our healthy breakfast ideas with this fried egg and avocado toast recipe.

Of course, if egg isn’t really your thing you can add almost anything to create a great avocado toast recipe. If you’re stuck on how to jazz up your avocado in the morning, look at these other avocado toast ideas. This nourishing breakfast idea also makes a delicious brunch or midday healthy snack.

Healthy Lunch Ideas

Healthy lunch ideas and healthy snacks
Image: Spicy Chickpea and Tomato Soup by The Healthy Family And Home

Spicy chickpea and tomato soup

Stay warm for the remainder of the winter with this wholesome spicy chickpea and tomato soup. An exotic twist on the classic tomato soup, this healthy lunch idea is perfect to take as a lunch to work or as a light evening meal. Chickpeas are a great source of protein and fibre, plus this meal is also suitable for vegans.

If you’re not too keen on spice, simply take it easy on the jalapenos. You can also add extra onions or chickpeas, or get creative and add in another of your favourite vegetables. While this recipe makes two and is perfect to make for a single dinner and lunch the next day, you can always double up on the ingredients and introduce healthy eating for the whole family.

Roasted red pepper pasta

For an easy meal that can be used as a quick dinner or a healthy lunch the next day, this roasted red pepper pasta is packed full of flavour. Onion, garlic and red pepper come together to make a simple yet delicious pasta sauce. Combined with pasta this meal is a surprisingly hearty and healthy lunch idea.

To cut down even more on fat content, swap out butter and cream for a nutritious alternative or simply use a bit less for a more balanced healthy eating recipe. We also recommend changing your standard pasta and using tasty wholegrain brown pasta instead.

Healthy Dinner Recipes

Healthy recipes and healthy dinner ideas
Image: Salmon with Lemon Mustard Dill Sauce by Fannetastic Food

Salmon with lemon mustard dill sauce

Salmon is a great source of omega 3 and cooks in just 20 minutes. It’s also really tasty on its own and doesn’t need a lot of added flavour, making this simple lemon mustard dill sauce an excellent accompaniment. This dish will quickly become a favourite of your healthy recipes as it’s ideal for weeknight meals, giving you more time to relax.

Our only advice for this otherwise faultless healthy recipe is to cut calories with plain low-fat natural yoghurt. Some simple brown rice and a side of steamed veg of your choice will ensure the salmon is the star of the show, and brown rice is ideal for soaking up that delicious sauce. Of course, feel free to alter the balance of lemon and dill to suit your tastes.

Skinny honey and lemon chicken

Lemon features in all our favourite healthy recipes, and for good reason. If you like your food to pack a punch, then this skinny honey and lemon chicken is the dish for you. Tangy lemon sets off the natural sweetness of honey for a sweet and sour style chicken dish that is both quick and easy to make. Cook this meal in under 20 minutes using a healthier sauté rather than a frying method.

Pair your chicken with either brown rice or, for a really protein packed meal, cook up some quinoa. You can also make your meal more substantial for bigger appetites and still keep it nutritious with some additional vegetables, stir fried in a healthy alternative oil.

Salads & Sides

Healthy recipes of salads and sides
Image: Thai Quinoa Salad by Carrots And Cake

Thai quinoa salad

Just like avocado, this amazing grain is a shining star of healthy eating at the moment. Quinoa is complete protein and contains all eight of the essential amino acids we need, plus it’s gluten free. It doesn’t come much better than this superfood, and what better way to enjoy it than in a Thai quinoa salad. This salad is quick to make, suitable for vegans and even includes a healthy salad dressing.

Unlike a lot of salads, this recipe is good to keep refrigerated for 3-4 days. That makes it ideal as a side at a healthy dinner or a delicious lunch during the week. Alter the recipe as you need, swapping out things you don’t like for another alternative, or simply add some more of your favourite salad items! This definitely tops this list of some of our favourite healthy recipes.

Greens with cannellini beans and pancetta

This dish is full of tasty greens and filling beans. Eat it on its own as a light dinner or as a delicious side dish. The kale in this healthy eating recipe is an excellent source of vitamins K, A and C, making it one of your essentials for a balanced diet. These greens with cannellini beans and pancetta are certain to be a hit with both friends and family.

To mix this recipe up and make it your own, swap in any of your favourite greens. We think spinach makes a great tasty addition or alternative and is packed full of its own health benefits. You can also swap out or add to the cannellini beans with other nutritious beans to make this healthy recipe your own.


The right healthy recipes and some tasty ingredients mean healthy eating doesn’t have to be a chore. Opt for quicker 20-minute meals during the week and make a family activity out of cooking on the weekend. You can find other healthy meal ideas here and here. Let us know how you get on!

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