Which Side Should You Sleep On?

Everyone sleeps differently, so it can be hard to determine that one position is the best overall. We can, however, look at scientific evidence to examine which might bring the most health benefits. Sleeping at odd angles may be comfortable in the short-term, but can have some serious long-term effects on the body, including damage to posture, muscles and the spine, or the risk of injury while you sleep. 

Whether you are looking to avoid issues from arising in the future, or combat problems you are already having, you should understand which positions are the best and worst for sleeping in, and why. In the following guide, we will explore the risks and benefits associated with different sleeping positions.

Sleeping on your back

It is most commonly accepted that sleeping on your back is the healthiest position. There are a number of reasons for this: it allows for deep breathing and keeps your spine aligned. You can improve this further by selecting good, supportive pillows that will elevate your head just enough to avoid neck pain.

For those who suffer from back pain, pillows can be placed under the lower back to provide additional spinal support and improve comfort to the muscles.

Sleeping on your sides

Side-sleeping is a popular choice among many people, especially those who move around a lot before they can get to sleep. Unfortunately, it can cause stiffness in the shoulders and jaw, and especially in the neck if you don’t have appropriate support from a pillow. Placing a pillow between the legs can also help to alleviate any alignment issues with the hips and spine. 

It is thought that sleeping on the left side can help digestion and reduce snoring due to the layout of the internal organs, and the effect that gravity has on them, but there is not yet any conclusive scientific evidence to prove this.

Sleeping on your front

While comfortable for some, front-sleeping can also cause neck and back issues, and can be bad for digestion if you go straight to bed shortly after eating a meal. To aid with any neck pain, reduce the number and thickness of pillows to create better alignment between the neck and the spine. This position can still cause jaw stiffness due to resting on this part of the face. Placing an additional pillow under the stomach can help back pain, but might not be comfortable for everyone.

How can I improve my sleeping comfort?

If you are worried about your posture while sleeping, there may also be other ways to improve this. Explore what other measures you can take to experience comfier sleep by reading our guides to pillows, how you should prepare for sleep, and sleep cycles, which will enable you to plan for the best sleep possible.

Ensure you are prepared for sleep by shopping for bedding from Linens. Our duvets come in all different sizes, materials and insulation ratings, and our range of pillows can help to ensure you make the right choice for maximum comfort in your sleeping position. Shop Linens Limited today.

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